pennsylvania asbestos lawyers

Asbestos is known on the market are mainly used for roofing materials, brake and as raw material for the fire.

In its development it was known that asbestos is very dangerous. For some experiments, the use of asbestos as a building material has produced many victims. In Japan alone, following the inhalation of air contaminated by asbestos, killed 500 people in the world (1995). This number grew to 878 people in 2003. And until then, the Japanese government banned all forms of building materials with asbestos. And several countries in Europe in the ’80s began to ban asbestos as a raw material for the construction of houses or buildings will be occupied by humans. E ‘was followed by many other countries like the U.S., Swedish, Icelandic, and many other countries.

Asbestos is?

Asbestos is a mineral form of silica fibers are included in the group of serpentine (krisotil which is a silicate of magnesium hydroxide and the composition MG6 (OH) 6 (Si4O11) H2O)
amphibole rocks and minerals, including actinolite, amosite
(Brown asbestos, Cummington, grunnerite), anthophyllite, chrysotile (white asbestos),
mixture of crocidolite (blue asbestos), tremolite, or not
containing any of these minerals.

asbestos dust in the air, or airborne particles of asbestos or
deposited asbestos particles can be airborne as dust
the working environment.

Asbestos fibers can be inhaled asbestos particles diameter is less than 3 microns and
whose length is at least three times the length of its diameter.

asbestos dust can contaminate through:

(A) mining or milling;
(B) for treatment of asbestos-containing materials or manufacturing / production
products containing asbestos;
(C) the use or actual use of products containing asbestos;
(D) activities to disassemble, open, disassemble, repair the damages (compensation) or
assets to deal with asbestos-containing products;
(E) activities to destroy and destroy buildings or other buildings
berasbes containing materials;

(F) the transfer (transport), shops and activities that cause
occurrence of physical contact or contact with asbestos or materials
containing asbestos;
(G) other activities that increase the risk of asbestos dust in

How dangerous is asbestos?

Health risks caused by asbestos dust:
(A) fibrosis, asbestosis (which causes thickening and scarring of the lungs);
(B), lung cancer including cancer of the trachea;
(C) Mesothelioma: cancer in other parts of the respiratory tract, such as cancer or pleural
Asbestos dust can also cause pleural thickening around (diffuse pleural
thickening) and the incidence of pleural plaques lining (circumscribed pleural plaques) that can
leads to calcification.

Inhaled asbestos fibers enter the lungs and tissues cause inflammation and adhesions in the lungs.

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